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The teen and adult vaping crisis is a battle of addiction and corporate greed. We are here to help. To listen. To guide you through. See our recent Vaping Alert on Ask The Lawyers:

Nicotine in cigarettes is addicting. JUUL has many times more nicotine than tobacco cigarettes. The addiction is serious and expensive. It is a serious and never-ending personal addiction. And they are targeting the 13 year old Hawaiʻi kids. 

The smoke in cigarettes causes cancer. The heated chemicals in the JUUL vapors can cause lung illness and death.

Lawsuits are being filed that will stand up to the companies that want to profit by addicting teens and young adults to vaping products like JUUL. In my earlier posts I have warned about this public health threat:

The teen vaping crisis reaches Hawaiʻi



Now the state is getting on board:

Hawaii joins 38 other states in probe of Juul’s marketing of vaping products

As reported in the Star Advertiser:

Hawaii has joined a multi-state probe into vaping manufacturer Juul Labs, following a surge in the number of teens using e-cigarettes.

Thirty-nine states have formed a coalition to investigate Juul’s marketing and sales practices, which include the targeting of youth, claims regarding nicotine content, and statements regarding risks, safety and effectiveness as an option to stop smoking cigarettes, Attorney General Clare Connors said today.

Since minors are often involved, there are serious privacy issues involved so talk with a lawyer who understands and respects the law that pertains to communicating with minor.

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