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The news is full of stories about State and local governments being “in negotiation” to recover money for health care costs associated with residents who have become addicted to oxycontin, mscontin and other opioids. What about individual claims? An individual has an injury claim if their use of opioids qualifies. But how do you know?

As a lawyer in Hawai‘i doing these cases, I am looking for one or more of these:

  • OxyContin or MSContin use
  • Death
  • Overdose but not death
  • Addiction
  • Withdrawal
  • Loss of job
  • Divorce
  • Loss of custody of children

There is much more, but if you have any of these consequences of the use of Oxycontin or MS Contin, my office in Honolulu will investigate your potential individual damages claim and talk to you about your rights. That will cost you nothing.

My office has been deeply involved with these issues for years. You may find my article from 01-30-2018 helpful:

Opiate addiction resources for caregivers and health care providers in Hawai‘i

In the face of mainland marketers who give you an 800-number to call, please try a local law firm that has a long history of representing Kamaʻaina in cases against the biggest corporations in America. In these individual; cases I have chosen to work with Anne Andrews of Andrews & Thornton.
A review of my website, and the Andrews & Thornton website will show you why our team is the best resource for Hawai‘i residents. Anne grew up in Hawai‘i and understands Island culture and this community.

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