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The car left the road and went airborne and crashed into a tree and the roof of the Oceanic Institute building. The occupants, Benjamin Makekau, 20, and his brother Ikaikakane Makekau (19) were dead at the scene of this violent car crash according to a KHNL News reporter Duane Shimogawa.

The incident happened on the Waimanalo side of the the Makapu’u lighthouse on a bad stretch of roadway. Police aren’t sure what happened because no one has come forward to tell what led up to the deaths. Rumor has it that the Makekau car may have been racing another car. People in the area of the crash say that they heard arguing and voices at the scene of the crash. Another suspicious circumstance is that the police were not called for 45 minutes.

Someone knows what happened and they let the police know. If you know something please call the police or contact me. The KHNL report states:

Police say the driver may have been racing another car, when he lost control around a curve near the Makapuu Lighthouse on Kalanianaole Highway, Sunday.

Investigators say the 20-year-old Makekau is from Waimanalo. His brother is from Kona. They were in the car that hit an embankment which launched them into the air.

The car then crashed upside down into an Oceanic Institute building after hitting a tree and a fence.

The TV news includes a clip Keoni Limahai, who sees the dangers of this stretch of Kalanianaole Highway:

"We have lots of accidents on this roadway right here, it’s a pretty busy road," he said.

"The one where they had the Gotcha Pro, had this one driver that had get into one accident, right in the same area and I think three of the people died in his car, he lived," he said.

"I think actually if they widen the road, move, so that you would have more leeway if you get off the road, you could go off a little big, instead of going in the bushes or trees," Limahai said.

The accident happened at around 2 a.m., Sunday. Police say the car veered off the road and launched into the air, crashing into the roof of the Oceanic Institute building.

We agree with Limahai who aptly points out that the real loss will be felt by the families of those who died.

"I just sorry to hear, sorry about for them families, that they lost their loved ones, but you know, you just gotta drive safe man," he said.

Police are still investigating if drugs or alcohol were factors in this crash. If you have any information about this incident, call police.

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