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Arthur Bryant is a brilliant attorney and constitutional scholar. He knows.

He knows that as the American public grapples with the Wall Street financial crisis, fears about their jobs and their kids and wondering what terrorism will bring to their doors, the unbelievably wealthy CEO’s and CFO’s of Big Pharma, the American Medical Association and – back in the shadows where you see all the Limo’s parked and the wafting circles of cigar smoke – the insurance industry, are working feverishly to destroy the American dream of justice and the rights of the individual. Laws and regulations from these rich and powerful robber barons are flooding the pipeline in government agencies, Congress and state legislatures. If they succeed you lose.

In Hawaii this year the AMA and the doctors are asking for a privileged status. They say "if we are negligent and injure you, we are excused from the losses that we cause". If that isn’t morally repugnant and offensive then tell me what is ….? Marie Antoinette made a gaff when she said "let them eat cake" to the starving masses in Paris as the King poured her Champagne in her beautiful slipper. Who do these doctors think they are? Well we know and if you remember the last office visit to your doctor you know, too. In Hawaii there are almost no claims against doctors. But a small cadre of doctors is hell bent on eliminating claims by the public so they can make mistakes at will and not have to pay for them. After all they went to medical school. Big egos.

That is why "Public Justice is so important. They are not a lobbying organization but they keep the protect the access to justice alive.

Public Justice (formerly Trial Lawyers for Public Justice) opened its doors 25 years ago to pursue an inspiring vision — building the trial lawyers’ public interest law firm. TLPJ and now Public Justice has done that and more. Over the past quarter century, no public interest law firm in the country has been involved in a broader range of high-impact, cutting-edge litigation. So we’ve become Public Justice to pursue an expanded, inspiring vision — building America’s public interest law firm.

Public Justice fights for justice through precedent-setting and socially significant individual and class action litigation designed to enhance consumer and victims’ rights, environmental protection and safety, civil rights and civil liberties, workers’ rights, America’s civil justice system, and the protection of the poor and powerless. Our Access to Justice Campaign keeps the courthouse doors open to all by battling federal preemption of injury victims’ rights, unfair mandatory arbitration, class action bans and abuse, unnecessary secrecy in the courts, attacks on the right to counsel and jury trial, and unconstitutional legislation.

Public Justice is the principal project of the Public Justice Foundation, a non-profit membership organization. Public Justice is supported by – and can call on – a nationwide network of over 3,500 attorneys and others, including trial lawyers, appellate lawyers, consumer advocates, constitutional litigators, employment lawyers, environmental attorneys, civil rights lawyers, class action specialists, law professors and law students. Public Justice and the Public Justice Foundation are headquartered in Washington, D.C., and have a West Coast Office in Oakland, California.

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